1.0 Hotfix v1.0.0.2


Hi Pioneers!

Hello again everyone, We have been monitoring the issues some of you are having since we released and today we have a potential fix for one of the most prominent crashes with no workarounds that we have identified

After this patch, crashes related to Conveyor Belts/Lifts (AFGConveyorItemSubsystem) should hopefully be solved for everyone

This patch exclusively contains fixes for this issue, given its severity we didn’t want to wait for these fixes to be out so everyone could enjoy playing through the weekend :)

We have more fixes on the way for other issues being prepared and verified but in the meantime, Remember to upvote and post about any other bugs or issues in our QA Site https://questions.satisfactorygame.com/ We read your posts every day

See you all again soon, we hope you all continue to enjoy our game


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