EA Update #1 QoL ☢️ Coming Soon!

EA Update #1 QoL ☢️ Coming Soon!



Time flies, and our first Early Access Update #1 QoL ☢️ is just around the corner! We're excited to give you a sneak peek of what we've been working on for the upcoming September update. Mark your calendars for September 30th, here is a short and sweet overview what to expect:

  • In-Game Statistics
  • Renaming Settlers and Vehicles
  • Expedition Improvements
  • Quality of Life Enhancements
  • General Gameplay and Settler Improvements
  • Stability Improvements
  • General Bug Fixes

For this first Early Access Update, we originally focused heavily on stability, bug fixes, and quality of life improvements. But after reading your feedback, we worked hard to implement two features ahead of schedule. We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve managed to squeeze in a first version of in-game statistics and the ability to rename settlers and vehicles!

EA Update #1 QoL ☢️ Coming Soon!EA Update #1 QoL ☢️ Coming Soon!EA Update #1 QoL ☢️ Coming Soon!
And stay tuned - in October, you can look forward to Update #2 and our FIRST MAJOR CONTENT UPDATE including ELECTRICITY and UPCYCLING.
Make sure to check out our online roadmap to see what's coming in future updates.

EA Update #1 QoL ☢️ Coming Soon!

EA Update #1 QoL ☢️ Coming Soon!

ICYMITalking about updates - in case you missed it we started an Early Access survey! It is still open and we kindly ask you to submit your feedback in this form to help us shape the Early Access.

++ Click here to access the EA survey ++
EA Update #1 QoL ☢️ Coming Soon!

Keep in mind, Endzone 2 - just like the original - is shaped by your feedback! Your input is key in helping us create the ideal post-apocalyptic city builder and colony sim that we all envision. 🌱

EA Update #1 QoL ☢️ Coming Soon!

EARLY ACCESS UPDATE #1 Quality of Life
This overview is based on the current state of our internal test version and does not represent the final update notes! ☢️Contents are subject to change! ☢️

📈 Statistics:
  • The new statistics feature gives you a comprehensive overview of all resources in a settlement!
  • Easily view and compare key values like stock levels and resource changes (per minute).
  • Track production, consumption, and stock levels of all resources over the past 11 days using graphs.
  • Access a history of recent deliveries/exports of resources through transport routes.
🗣️ Naming Settlers/Vehicles:
  • Settlers now have individual names.
  • You can rename settlers.
  • Vehicles can also be renamed for better differentiation according to their purpose.
🚌 Expeditions:
  • Expeditions now include helpful explanation texts when accessed for the first time (this also triggers in savegames).
  • The expedition window has been revamped to show more information about specific locations.
  • You can now see how many expeditions are available across the three sectors and how many have already been completed.
  • Improvements have been made to certain expedition puzzles to make them more intuitive.
🌱 General Quality of Life:
  • Additional guidance in the introduction, including arrows pointing to the zone to be settled, will help players get started.
  • The production analysis view now highlights the most critical issue affecting a building.
  • Community buildings that influence nearby structures now display the number of buildings affected.
  • Deleting transport routes now requires confirmation through a pop-up dialog for added safety.
  • The research notification now shows what’s currently being researched.
🎮 Gameplay Improvements:
  • Certain zones have been adjusted to make tasks like placing mines easier.
  • Various balancing tweaks, especially making upgraded buildings more rewarding.
  • Farms no longer require iron tools to be researched or built.
  • Mines now offer more flexibility in their placement.
Thank you for reading this far, for playing Endzone 2, submitting your feedback, and completing the survey. Your input helps us shape the game to better meet your expectations and enhance its overall experience. 🙂 See you on September 30th again! 🍂

Gentlymad and Assemble

EA Update #1 QoL ☢️ Coming Soon!


As Discord is our main platform for feedback and discussion within the community, we highly recommend joining us and sharing your feedback there.
EA Update #1 QoL ☢️ Coming Soon!
EA Update #1 QoL ☢️ Coming Soon!
EA Update #1 QoL ☢️ Coming Soon!


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